Saturday, November 22, 2008

Can you blame me for hating school?

In First Grade, we had to stand up and tell our name and what we wanted to be when we grew up. Everyone that went said either doctor, policeman, lawyer, you know, the usual. I thought I was gonna be different, and I was gonna say Fireman. Well, when it was my turn I got nervous and I fucked it up:

"Hi, my name is Christopher, and when I grow up, I wanna be a fire truck."

the laughs came from everywhere, I cried and ran home ( I lived a block away). My grandma opened the door and caught me eating my fourth bowl of Fruity Pebbles and watching Tale Spin. I told her, and she took me back to school.

Life lesson:

Time Management. If I would've only ate three bowls of Fruity Pebbles, and bailed after Chip and Dale's Rescue Rangers...... I would've gotten away, easily.

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